Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today on Thursday

I love that my sister does these "Today I'm..." things this gave me some inspiration. It helps bc even if I am a little to busy I can always do these quick little quirps just to touch base with WHOEVER actually READS my blog :)

Today I'm....

viewing | My Laptop screen and my newly cleaned up room :)

thinking |How much this sunburn hurts on my back and feet

wearing | A blue crocheted Tank and my "im a princess" frogged shorts

planning | To go to sleep soon

reading | History of the Inca's

listening |Celebrity Apprentice playing in my sisters room, Im caught up on all shows :)

realizing | Im pretty stupid, and Naive, and waaaaaaay behind on my projects

trying | make a mental checklist of EVERYTHING I need that needs to get done

feeling | pretty annoyed and crushed

eating |I just ate some AMAZING pinapple that I cut up

drinking |Water bc Im soo dehydrated

weather is | Not really sure, have been too scared to go out,from what I felt its kinda cool

wanting | this pain to go away

enjoying | my spring break so far, but extremely sad its gonna end soon :(

wondering | HOW DID I NOT learn my lesson the first time?!?! and if he emails me back will I respond? I probably would :(

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever.......
* been so busy you forget what sleep is like?
* Had to redo a project over and OVER till it was right?
* Relied on other ppl to hand over information so you can get YOUR job done?
* Spent WEEKS and WEEKS gettin a show together just for that day to go by SUPER FAST?
* Decided it was HIGH time to clean out the closet and purge your junk?
* Felt the need to be free?

Yea these past months have been INSANE!! BUT the fashion show was A SUCCESS!!! I'm so proud of the outcome with my program, it was truly an amazing experience. I no longer doubt that THIS is where I wanna be :) Next week is my spring break and I plan to do nothing but lay on the beach and soak up some sun...