Monday, May 4, 2009


No wonder I feel delirious, over the weekend I got on average 3 1/2-4 hours of sleep each night trying to finish this stupid 15 page paper that is due today, and I managed to finish by LAST NIGHT, so no worries about working on it today. Although I still have 3 4pg papers to finish along with 2 ppt presentations. so yea, and it dawned on me that this is my last week of classes and next week are finals ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh man I'm so stressed right about now. But, ugh I have to compose myself and trust that God provides which I know he does it just feels much better to rant and rave for the time being. lol. Any who, my best friend is gone and she didn't say bye to me, and on Friday the realization of me not seeing her hit me. it was sad, my mgr came back from LOA, and I soooo glad to see her, and we started talking and i BROKE down, Friday I was a mess really I was crying at the drop of pin. I think I just needed to cry really bad and after I felt much better. But ugh..... life seems so unsure right now.

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