Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Ok so its early and im NEVER up this early, lazyness I know. But I've been up since 9:30, and Im sitting her just thinking about everything. My stinky whom really? I never thought I could love with all my heart, we have such an amazing bond that I dont think we could have gotten it without going through A LOT of ups and downs. My dad who I THANK God for getting him better, he will hopefully return back to work soon. But in a lot of ways I see way too much of him in myself and its kinda scary, like some if it is not all bad but when it comes to me and Ishie, its like "I dont want to end up like him" and me and Ishie had this talk already, you know we come to an understanding that right now we are 2 sailboats sailing side by side, we have to put ourselves first and then when we get married we put our relationshp first. I would LOVE to marry this man, really I would but I hear ppl and thier troubles and how they say marriage is the hardest thing and whatnot, I THINK we can do it but im unsure.....And my Bestie like I know right now she loves the guy but when you marry him you marry the family and his family.... hahahaha.....I just want her to make the right descision b/c if you add a baby into the mix it starts to complicate things. Ok I think Im done for now. Have a good day and like my roomie tells me "life is life" and there is nothing that we cant do!

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